Who has pottered by this way, then?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Leavers - II

Note: Following on from The Leavers - I, later the same day in a different prayer time together, I had a picture of the same circle of leavers representing different people: Christians of earlier era, monks of the Community of the Resurrection (in whose cemetery I had found myself wandering and praying during the morning). I was struck in this picture by the sense of God's timelessness and, indeed, the hidden sense of eternity which we're part of.

The Leavers - II

Ancient beyond our birthday count.
One with the Pentecost crowd
Lapped by tongues of fire.
Yet no tongues here now
For the Spirit is within us, among us,
But wild - not constrained by us.

We are ancient, beyond time, 
Beyond our human-historic frames,
United by grace with God-before-time,
Abiding, indwelling in an eternal dance.
Eternal procession of love:
Within, without and through.

We glimpse but a life-span
Of eternal truth,
And this temporal mission,
Though our calling,
Is but a part of that Eternity Journey:
Deeper, longer, more epic
Than our sense of wonder
Can contain.

6th June 2015
The organ loft of Upper Church, Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield
during the afternoon of the Yorkshire Ministry Course leavers' Quiet Day

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